Romans 5:8-9
8 But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us! (HCSB)
I’ve never tried to hide the fact that when I was younger I made some mistakes and bad choices; one example of a bad choice that I made was in the type of music that I listened to. Every time I read this verse I think about a very popular song from my teenage years. The song was by a “poet” named Sir. Mix A. Lot. You may already know the title of the song, “I like Big Butts.” While I don’t suggest you go try to find this song for your personal library, I do have to agree with Sir Mix A Lot when I say that I like a different kind of big “but”, the kind we find here in Romans.
Paul began this section of Scripture reminding us that it is hard to find someone who would sacrifice for us, even for the best man, it is hard to find someone who would be willing to give his life for ours. This leaves us in pretty bad shape: lost, lonely, hopeless, desperate, searching, empty and, because of our sin, falling way short of the perfection demanded by the law.
“But God,” What an amazing statement! We were lost and lonely in our sin, we had broken God’s laws and alienated ourselves from Him, we were doomed to spend eternity suffering for our disobedience, but God stepped in because of His love. God’s love compelled Him to send His Son to pay the price that we could not pay so that we could be reconciled to Him. Mankind may have messed up, but God gets the last move.
You may think that you have messed up your life, maybe you are haunted by the ghosts and guilt of past mistakes, but I want you to know that the story does not have to end sadly. Your life story can also have a big but in it. God loves you and there is nothing that you can do to change that. You may not be able to change your life but God can.
I do not know of another preacher who has ever said this, but I have good news for you: You can have a big but! I know that this play on words is a little immature and I hope that you will forgive me. My prayer for you is that you will realize the transforming power of God. God wants to be a part of your life and many times His power is demonstrated after a “but.” So do not be afraid to trust God with your problems, maybe your life story can have a big “but” in it too.
My marriage was in trouble, but God…. My child had strayed, but God…. My life was spiraling out of control, but God… I was addicted, but God…
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